Jann Krynauw – Piano, Live Looping
Born in Johannesburg, I spent the greater part of my childhood in Piet Retief a small town in Mpumalanga, South Africa. I completed my classical music education in piano extramurally and in 1998 was faced with the decision of whether to go full-time into music or not. I however decided on a business course at […]
Ronan Skillen – Tabla, Didgeridoo, Percussion
Ronan’s musical career started age ten with 7 years of classical French horn training in Germany. He was then introduced to the Australian Didgeridoo by a friend and was later given his first ‘real’ didgeridoo by master drummer, Emmanuel Gomado from Ghana which sparked many new avenues and collaborations. After much self teaching and musical […]
What exaclty is a Silent Gig?
Listening to music in an isolated space is always a transporting experience. Details and frequencies that are often lost in conventional set ups can be more easily experienced at close range. TONIK have introduced a concept for live performances which enables an entire audience to become part of the music in just this way. By […]